Friday, December 23, 2011

Peace and Joy

There are a lot of things I want to write about- a lot of things I'm learning. Most importantly, though, today I am going to decide not to let cancer define our Christmas. I am going to continually remind myself and my family that this is the birthday of our savior, Jesus Christ, who died so that we can join his father in heaven when he decides it's our day. When that day comes, we will turn that day over to him. We will hate cancer for bringing the day. But cancer doesn't get this day. Cancer cannot have this joy. I know the bible says God can give us a peace that surpasses all understanding, and that's what we need this Christmas. Peace and joy.

Dear Daddy,
You're entitled to feel whatever it is you're feeling today. You can feel any way you want for the rest of your life, and I won't even try to stop you. But I'm going to believe that God still has joy in store for you, for mom, for all of us. I'm not going to roll over and let cancer take the joy out of Christmas- this year or ANY year. Nothing can change the memories of the last 32 wonderful Christmases with you, and I'm not going to let anything darken the memories of this one. Try it with me, Daddy. I love you.


  1. LOVE. You are so right about this. Nothing can take away your past Christmases, nor can it take away this one...Praying for peace for all of you:)


    Thank you, my beloved family, for helping me jump the hurdle and truly enjoy this!! Even the Christmas Day belly ache was worth it ;-)

    I also want to thank "Team Sabaini" (more on them later) for all the support and love you've blessed me with these past couple of weeks.

    George Bailey has NOTHING on me!

    Dear Mouse,

    What a special, wonderful, beautiful Christmas you made for us all! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! You are my precious baby girl and my mini-me. I love you SO!

